All LLMs are equivalent, I have not done any statistical studies on the error rates but I intuitively know that they are equivalent, meaning that they have similar rates of failure. So why is everyone dunking on Bard? Well, it's because people expected more from the search leader of the world. But the problem with Bard is not really Google's fault, it is more about human cognitive bias, the very bias that made Google stay at the top of the search engine race even as they kept adding excessive amounts of advertising that degenerated search results. The reason Google stayed on top for so long wasn't that their search engine was excessively better than others but because they had become a verb for anything that requires obtaining information from the internet. They also had the power of incumbency, so it did not matter how many ads people were flooded with, people just went to Google anytime they wanted to search for information because humans are lazy and hate change. So wh...
Musings on Knowledge, Technology, Life, Intelligence (Natural/Synthetic (Artificial)) and the future of humanity.